Ewic has become a partner of the Pardubice Region in the field of energy self-sufficiency

The Ewic cluster prepared an energy study for the Pardubice region for the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of its buildings.

The Pardubice region is currently struggling with a huge increase in the price of energy. The current price hike is the main reason why the region wants to build its own power plants. He assumes that with alternative sources and energy self-sufficiency, he will save significantly in the future.

In the first phase, 26 buildings should receive solar panels. Installing the panels themselves will only be a technical problem that will be solved on individual objects.

The governor of the Pardubice region, Martin Netolicky, said: "The region would like to proceed with the implementation of photovoltaic panels regardless of subsidies. The calculated payback would be 7, 8 years without subsidies, with a subsidy from the modernization fund or the national recovery plan, so the payback would be significantly reduced to 3, 4 years." If everything goes well, the project itself could start in the second half of 2022.

From the official press releases of the Pardubice Region:


Starting the video at 1:41:40:
